Luminous Inner Wisdom

Activating the Gateway to your soul



What are Flower Essences? (Aka Flower Remedies)

Flower Essences, also known as Flower Remedies, are powerful herbal preparations made from the energetic imprint of flowers. They embody the essence of love, balance, clarity, wholeness, presence, awareness, and fierceness. Unlike conventional herbal remedies that utilize the physical parts of the plant, such as leaves, stems, and roots, Flower Essences are created by infusing flowers in water and then diluting the resulting infusion with alcohol.

Each Flower Essence contains the energetic or vibrational imprint of the flower, which holds the potential to balance and harmonize emotions and energy. These essences have been used for centuries to promote healing and personal growth. One well-known collection of Flower Essences is the Bach flower remedies, developed by British physician Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. Dr. Bach believed that emotional imbalances were the root cause of illness and that Flower Essences could restore emotional equilibrium, fostering inner healing and transformation.

The vibrational essence of flowers interacts with the energetic patterns of the body and mind, facilitating the release of emotional blockages, balancing the nervous system, and promoting a sense of calm and inner peace. By embracing the power of Flower Essences infused with love and fierceness, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and profound transformation.

Why combining Flower Essences with Coaching Support is Empowering:

Embrace the empowering benefits of working with Flower Essences and Coaching, where love, presence, awareness, clarity, fierceness, wholeness, and balance converge:

Unleash Increased Emotional Awareness: Flower Essences ignite a love-filled journey, guiding you to recognize emotional patterns and triggers. Empowered with this insight, you bravely dismantle limiting beliefs and behaviors, while coaching support amplifies your transformation into actionable change. Embrace the fierceness within as you face your emotions head-on and reclaim your emotional power.

Experience Deeper Healing: Through the fusion of Flower Essences and Coaching, we embark on a fierce quest to heal emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. This holistic approach, rooted in love and supported by the fierceness of your spirit, nurtures every aspect of your being, transcending symptoms alone. Embrace the power of Flower Essences to facilitate profound healing and foster your innate capacity for growth and transformation.

Embrace Personalized Empowerment: In collaboration with a dedicated coach and qualified practitioner, your healing journey is lovingly customized. Tailored Flower Essences address your unique needs, while expert guidance helps you navigate obstacles with tenacity, grace, and fierceness. Embrace your inner warrior as you reclaim your power and step into your wholeness.

Ignite Motivation and Accountability: With coaching support as your guiding force, motivation and accountability become your faithful companions. As Flower Essences work their subtle energetic magic, harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit, you are emboldened to release emotional and psychological blockages, paving the way to physical well-being. Embrace the fierceness of your determination and commitment to your healing journey.

Witness the Presence of Transformation: The energetic imprint of Flower Essences dances gracefully within your subtle energy systems, infusing them with love, presence, awareness, and fierceness. From chakras to meridians and aura, this divine interplay kindles a fierce presence, restoring harmony and empowering your physical healing process. Embrace the transformative power of Flower Essences and Coaching, allowing their combined energies to unleash your authentic radiance and catalyze lasting transformation.

Embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth, where Flower Essences and Coaching merge in a dance of love, fierceness, and profound presence. Open your heart to the infinite possibilities that await you, and embrace the fierce warrior within as you step into your true essence.

Introducing the 12-Week Journey of Love and Wholeness: Awakening the Radiant Soul

Week 1-2: Cultivating Heart-Centered Presence

Immerse yourself in the essence of love and presence. With the guidance of flower essences, open your heart to deep self-acceptance and compassion. Through coaching support, cultivate a strong foundation of awareness and clarity, allowing your inner light to shine.

Week 3-4: Embracing Emotional Alchemy

Harness the transformative power of flower essences and coaching as we delve into the realm of emotions. Dive fearlessly into the depths of your emotional landscape, transmuting pain into healing. Embrace the alchemical process of emotional integration and liberation, paving the way for wholeness.

Week 5-6: Awakening Inner Clarity

Tap into the wisdom within and ignite the flame of clarity. Explore the realms of intuition and inner knowing, guided by flower essences. With the support of coaching, untangle the threads of confusion and doubt, stepping into a space of profound clarity and self-trust.

Week 7-8: Embodying Fierce Authenticity

Unleash your authentic power and embrace your uniqueness. Through the synergy of flower essences and coaching, harness your inner fierceness. Dissolve limiting beliefs and societal expectations, stepping boldly into your true self. Embody the essence of authenticity and walk your path with unwavering confidence.

Week 9-10: Nurturing Wholeness and Balance

Deepen your connection with the wholeness of your being. Allow flower essences to harmonize and restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit. With coaching support, integrate all aspects of yourself, cultivating a profound sense of inner harmony and well-being.

Week 11-12: Radiating Love and Transformation

Become a beacon of love and transformation as you embody the journey's teachings. Radiate the essence of love, presence, and wholeness to those around you. With the guidance of flower essences and coaching, step into your role as a catalyst for positive change, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Embark on this unique 12-week program, where love, presence, awareness, clarity, fierceness, wholeness, and balance intertwine to awaken the radiant soul within you. Allow the transformative power of flower essences and coaching to guide you on a journey of profound self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Embrace your innate beauty and step into a life filled with love, purpose, and authenticity.



My 4 Month program is for people who are ready to activate
their super power and go deep intuitively and spiritually.

Hey Beautiful soul!  Yes, YOU!!  Are you feeling overwhelmed? Feeling as if there is not enough time in the day to complete all the things you want to do today? Not quite sure what your spiritual gifts are? Do you feel as if your self- sabotaging yourself over and over again? Aren't bringing in the prosperity you know that you are meant for in this world? Unable to manifest your soul's desire? Do you feel anxious and depressed as if you just can't shake things off?  Are you unhappy at your workplace and dream of the day when you can have your own business?  or does your business feel as if it's in a slump and you can't seem to connect with the right clients?  You want to live the life that you always wanted but are unable to achieve it? Want to enhance your spiritual gifts, hone in on your unique gifts and connect into them with ease but you can't? Want to tap into and meet your higher self, your inner wisdom to create the most magical life ever but you feel unsure? If your nodding your head to some or all of of these questions please know that you are not alone!

We all have these questions swirling around in our heads. You know that you were meant for so much more. You know that you were given a divine purpose. But you feel disconnected. I am here to tell you sister that you are magic.  You are meant to live the most extraordinary life ever. To live the life the creator has made for you. Full of magic, abundance , prosperity and surrounded by your soul tribe who will support you, who listen, uplift you, have no judgement’s and they also need you to help them lead the way.  But to get there we must go deep within ourselves to unlock the keys to our divine wisdom, to clear the paths of what is truly holding us back from achieving our dreams, to harness our divine gifts and develop them even further. The more we evolve so does our Higher self , our divine self and so does our purpose in life.

How can you make all of this happen? Simple my Soul sister you have to believe in yourself and Trust that God, the Divine, the Creator, Universe, Source will always has your back. You are being guided in your life to follow your purpose and step into your Inner Luminous Wisdom. your next step to truly becoming that person you are longing to be. Your soul is waiting for you to take this amazing and beautiful step.

The more  we travel on our path in life the more things become crystal clear that you want to follow your dreams, follow your spiritual soul's purpose. You see other's #doingit with ease and often wonder "Why can't I do it?" I'm telling you that you can too. In this life you are a co-creator with the Divine. You just  have to be ready to step into your path and move forward to achieve it. You have to make the magic happen. So ask yourself are YOU ready? Then let's go!

Ready to step into your divine magic, your divine luminous goddess that lives within you? then follow me.


  • Deep support in our 1:1  Intuitive Coaching sessions 

  • Clearing blocks, past traumas, embodiment of your higher self/inner child

  • 1 Deep Dive Session (60-80 minute session)

  • Connection with your divine inner wisdom to create abundance and  prosperity into your life.

  • Develop your intuitive abilities and expand your connection to the divine. 

  • Embodiment rituals and affirmations.

  • 24 HR access to me via email, and Marco polo.

  • and there are some serious surprises!! 

I've created this 4 month program to dig deep and find clarity to all the questions you may have. To help you feel empowered with the gifts of your inner knowing. To help you be connected to your luminous inner wisdom. To release self limiting beliefs, empowering you to bring the magic, abundance and prosperity into your life. While co-create that life you truly deserve. If you are being drawn to this program. And YOU are ready to take the next step.  Then let's take the leap and do this! I am offering a FREE CLARITY SESSION so we can go more in depth into these feelings.  


Have you been noticing that as we are moving through this world there seems to be an awareness that something is missing from within? As if you feel off in some way? Like your soul is seeking something?

Are you feeling a sense of disconnection and longing for a deeper purpose? Join us in this transformative mentorship program, where we journey together to awaken the luminous inner wisdom within.

Discover the sacred union of your divine feminine and masculine energies, heal the wounded masculine, and reconnect with your intuitive power. Through activations, rituals, and healing work guided by Ascended Masters and God/Goddesses, you'll unlock your innate wisdom and empower yourself to support others on their spiritual paths.

This hands-on program covers energy work, connecting with higher realms, healing the inner child, and using the inner critic as an ally. You'll also learn modalities like crystal healing, candle magic, moon magic, and more to assist your future clients. Monthly coaching sessions, email support, and a supportive community of sisters will accompany you throughout this transformative journey.

Step into your divine power, embrace balance and abundance, and pave the way for others to follow. Join us and awaken the light within.


  • Understanding blocks and resistance and moving through their modalities

  • Connecting to Divine Feminine/Div. Masculine Modalities

  • Healing the Divine Fem/ Wounded masculine to create Sacred Union modalities

  • Learning to recognize self sabotaging patterns

  • Crystal healing, crystal grids

  • Candle magic its purpose and reading the messages.

  • Learning rituals and ceremonies (with herbs, candles, moon magic)

  • Learning about energy and how that shows up for you?

  • Clearing energy and all it's different ways

  • Why running energy is important

  • Connect with God

  • Connect with your higher self, your spiritual team

  • Connecting with Ascended Masters, God/Goddesses, your Healer and Mother Earth

  • The Inner critic work. ( Recognizing it, connecting with it and shifting the energy modalities)

  • The Inner child work. ( understanding the inner child and healing modalities

There are also 2 monthly 1:1 coaching sessions with me to really help you move through your own blocks. Email/Voxer support. It's really allowing yourself to be open to receiving and be in a loving container. There is also a loving group of sisters who will be walking this path with you, so you are not traveling this journey alone. We are all here to support you.

Take the Next Step:

Are you ready to embark on this profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Take the next step to ignite your divine soul within and join our transformative 10-month coaching mentorship. Together, we will honor your true essence, unleash your intuitive gifts, and create a life of purpose and abundance. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded sisters and embrace the divine power that resides within you.


An Akashic Records Prosperity Journey?? What the heck is that? Well beautiful, what a prosperity  journey is that it takes a deep look at your money, your clients, past, present and future, your business, and where you have these money blocks and there is still so much more.  

Do you keep asking yourself:

  • What is keeping me from receiving and my money?

  • What money blocks are present?

  • Why is the flow of money not coming with ease and grace?

  • Who are my soul mate client's?

  •  What does my business look like?

  • How can my business be more effective?

This Prosperity journey takes you through your soul's past, present and future lives.  We get detailed  information on why these blocks are be present. We learn how to clear them. We learn  what is the truth about your business, your soul mate clients and your soul's path. This gives us a full view of what it truly looks like so if your ready to jump start your abundance in your life and your tired that it doesn't show up with ease and grace. Then this my sister is the journey for you! Let's dig deep into your money story and clear out the things that are blocking your monies  flow into your life. Let's learn exactly what your business looks like and make it into reality.

Take the leap my love! It's going to be such an eye opening ride!

Join our email list to learn about your true soul's purpose and connect with your inner divine self!

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